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Our Partners

Collaboration is what has kept us at the forefront of the e-learning industry, working with experts and like-minded people to adapt, grow and succeed.

Working With Us

Over the course of the last two decades, we’ve worked alongside experts from different disciplines to create the best possible courses and resources, utilising the people who’re best to advise us on course material or engaging design. We’ve kept to this principle of collaboration and seen fantastic results because of it.

Our partnerships can take several different forms, which are detailed below, and we’re always looking for new people to work to ensure our courses can be as impactful as possible.



The Virtual College Affiliate Programme is designed to create a partnership between us and websites where we’re committed to showcasing the benefits of e-learning, either through adding banner adverts which link through to Virtual College or an embedded text link on a page.

This partnership is free and easy, and anyone who converts using your unique affiliate link which promotes our courses will earn you revenue.

Bid Partners

Virtual College are leading the pack when it comes to e-learning solutions, and we recognise that combining our programme delivery with an organisation’s business pitch or bid can help strengthen the overall proposition.

Together, we can assist you in winning work by creating the best possible bid which incorporates our experience with your expertise and specialism.


Creative Partners

Developing innovative training which can both engage and entertain learners takes a strong creative approach.

Working alongside selected creative partners means we can create exciting e-learning solutions by utilising the skills of amazing designers and animators. By boosting our creative capabilities, we can create content that captures the imagination and ensures learners are full focused on the information they need to take in.

Subject Matter Experts

Specialist knowledge is what sets our e-learning courses apart from other online resources, allowing us to continually develop new informative training which covers a broad range of topics. Partnering with subject matter experts means we can rely on them to ensure our content is factually correct and provide a deeper level of insight into an area of learning.

We have different tiers of subject matter expert who we collaborate with to review, update and author content on behalf of Virtual College.


Want to know more about how our training subscription will help you save costs whilst helping your business flourish?

In these challenging times, when budgets are tight and recruitment a struggle, your business needs to find ways to be resilient, support your people and stand out. Choosing our ready-to-go subscription offer will tick those boxes.